
Luke 6 verses 18 &19. “…Those troubled by evil spirits were cured, and the people all tried to touch him, because power was coming from him and healing them all.”

The opposition of the religious leaders would eventually lead to Christ’s death. He had no time to lose. He began to establish his ministry and message, during the very days when he was so opposed (v 12). Jesus did three things in the face of the opposition he was facing.

Firstly, he chose twelve men from among the disciples who clustered around him and he appointed them to be his “apostles” – the ones he would send out after his resurrection. They would be his messengers to the nations. He would give them authority and power. They would lead his church in the early days and some of them were chosen to be the inspired writers of the New Testament. To them and through them the revelation of God’s gospel would come.

Thus we can have great confidence in the New Testament. It is all true. It is all inspired. It is all written for our good and for our growth. Jesus Himself chose the men who would write it.

Secondly, he came down the mountain with them and stood on the plain. There a vast number of people had gathered from all over. This crowd was representative of the millions who would one day be reached by the gospel message. They were all in desperate need – sick, diseased and demon-possessed. Divine power came from him and healed all who touched him. All these healings were a mighty demonstration to the disciples that as they would one day go out in his name, so they would also have his power. That is the same power that has touched you and saved you if you are a Christian. Great power is needed to overcome our rebellious hearts and stubborn wills and the power that healed broken bodies and spirits when Jesus was on earth, is the power that opens our eyes to see and our minds to understand.

Thirdly, Jesus taught them. Notice in verse 18 they had come “to hear him”. The healings would have been very mysterious indeed if Jesus had not been teaching them concerning the Kingdom of God. His teaching was authenticated by the miracles.

Today we have the presence and power of the Holy Spirit with us and in us, His Word, now explained to us in the New Testament is what we feed on. That early event of Jesus teaching the multitudes and healing them was a picture to his disciples of the world awaiting the Word of the Gospel that would set people free.

This is the message that sets you free if you are a Christian Believer. Are you free?