
1John 4 v 19   We love Him because He first loved us.


We should remember that there would be no interest in God by us, no love, no affection, no desire, were it not for the fact that He first loved us and initiated our Salvation. Only those who have been regenerated can love God. By nature we are hostile to Him. We have no ability to love Him, enjoy Him, understand Him, or want Him. But once we have been enlightened by the Holy Spirit, all changes, and we become new creatures through faith in Christ and adopted into God’s great family.


But how can we help ourselves in maintaining and strengthening our love for God and learn to love Him in the right way? Here are some suggestions:-


1. Sit under good and biblical preaching. Make sure the Church you attend actually feeds your soul. If not what is the point of remaining there? If the pulpit is going through a temporary decline, then pray to God for change, but if your place of worship has abandoned the bible then move off to make sure you and your family keep growing.


2. Attend church regularly not spasmodically. You cannot be adequately taught in fits and starts. You must proclaim what your priorities are in this regard. Find a church, join it and support it. Remember to attend its bible studies and prayer meetings so that this can be mutual encouragement between you and others.


3. Read the Bible regularly for yourself. Find a systematic way that suits you. Remember to pray regularly giving thanksgiving to God for His goodness to you.


4. Develop good Christian friendships with people you respect and who will care enough about you to correct you if necessary.


5. Pray. Call upon God to increase your knowledge of Him and your love for Him. Grow in grace and the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. 2 Peter 3 v 18.


Prayer: Heavenly Father, I place myself, my soul, my spiritual welfare and all that I am in your hands for safe keeping. I rejoice in you and your great love and grace. Amen