
Luke 12 v 48. “…..From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked.”


Now the analogy changes to that of a large household, watched over by a steward – a kind of business manager. He has charge of his boss’s estate while the boss is away.


It would be good at this point to reflect on the question Peter asked Jesus in v 41. Who are these parables for? Are they for those who believe, or for all unregenerate people as well?


The answer is that it is designed for both groups of people. Christians have a special list of unique spiritual truths to share with the household of God. Other people may have been entrusted with much of this world’s goods. But in the end all men and women are stewards. Whether it is spiritual truth or material goods, the fact is we brought nothing into the world and we can take nothing out. We should therefore not be like the foolish farmer in 12 v 20. Everything we have is a trust and we must use it for the good of our fellow men.


The true Christian will demonstrate his faithfulness by being faithful to God’s word and the need to share it with the world. He will be given much higher responsibilities as blessings.


But if a man is untrustworthy and misuses his goods (v 45). If he cheats, oppresses, persecutes, lies or deprives like those referred to in 11 verses 47-51, he will be exposed and denounced when Christ comes again.


The mention of the punishment which will be meted out (verses 47, 48) sets down two great principles on which eternal judgement will be based. First, the more knowledge of the Lord’s will there was, the more severe shall be the punishment of the person who failed to do it. Secondly, the more a person is entrusted with, the greater will be his responsibility.


We should remember these things and make sure that when our Lord returns we will qualify, by grace, for His blessing and approval.