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Luke 11 v 31. The Queen of the South will rise at the judgement with the men of this generation and condemn them; for she came from the ends of the earth to listen to Solomon’s wisdom, and now one greater than Solomon is here.”


To stubbornly reject Christ means that finally there is no hope. Christ now proceeds to tell them how they will be dealt with at the final judgement. We need to remember that the final judgement, though it will be concerned with our deeds, does not hinge upon that, but rather it hinges upon the fact that the person concerned did not believe (see John 3:18). The consequence of unbelief is that the person’s name is not written in the Book of Life (notice Revelation 20:15).


The judgement will assess what opportunities there were to come to faith. What evidence was available, and what did we do about that evidence.


It seems here that witnesses will be called to show what people did with the evidence available to them. This will in turn show what the person would have done if they so wished, with the amount of evidence available to them.


The reference here to the Queen of the South and the Ninevites, illustrates the kind of witnesses who will testify against those who though in possession of much greater evidence than they had, nevertheless did not turn from their unbelief and follow Jesus.


How dreadfully sad.


And how glad we should be that our own eyes were opened by Grace.